Words related to category: Ts-L3.1 Open Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
aks= opening up | ksi yets chop out/hollow out | ḵ'a̱x open | ḵ'ots cut | lug̱awdi empty | lug̱a̱la̱m clear space | luła̱p deep hole | lułguul narrow | lutgiḵ'ax hole | lutgiłoo step into a hole | lu tgi ma̱x put right into | łap deep | 'nabeex torn | 'nagwaalk have a burn hole | 'naḵ'ax cut open | 'naḵ'ots cut open | 'naḵ'ox balding | sg̱at'uus close | sit'aa start to | sits'a̱'a̱x dig clams | ts'iik leaking | ts'iip close eye | ts'iiwkwsa̱ bail out | ts'mksiyets hollowed out | ts'mḵ'ol anus | ts'mloop cave | ts'mluulp fish trap | ts'oo lift | wa̱'a̱x bury | yel drill |